Clock Repaires

"Servicing and repairs: located Wargrave, near Henley-On-Thames, Berkshire"
What is Clock Repaires
Clock repair involves the careful and sympathetic review of the age and performance of older clocks. Where a clock has stopped running, it will need to be repaired to get it going. An antique clock repairer is skilled and experienced in achieving a suitable and cost-effective repair. We cover Berkshire and take in and care for clocks in a wide radius covering the Reading area, Oxfordshire area, Henley on Thames area, Twyford area, Maidenhead area, High Wycombe are and Wargrave area.
How much does Clock Repair cost
Each mechanically driven clock is unique. All clocks, without exception, have parts that wear because there is metal on metal contact, which results in wear and tear. This wear has to be addressed by replacing parts or by repairing parts. This is no different to anything mechanical such as an appliance in the home or indeed a car. The cost of repair is related to the amount of wear. If a clock has been left untouched for many years, then the wear will be accordingly that much more.
Many have been repaired before I get them, and these repairs might not have been carefully executed and, worse still, bodged. So the cost will vary, and the clock needs to be carefully inspected so that an assessment can be made. Clock repair will do the repair correctly, and this takes hours expended, which is the basis of the charge made: parts are not usually that expensive.